Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Book review: ‘No Place to Die’

SUICIDE, BROUGHT about by a bullying psychiatrist and anti-depressants should never happen. Unfortunately it did. Jann McPherson tells of the shortcomings of the mental health system in her newly released book. ‘No Place to Die’ is a penetrating, honest and revealing account of psychiatry written by mother Jann McPherson of her daughter Gretel’s tragic and unnecessary death. Jann refuses to let her daughter’s death be swept under the carpet and she wants to hold accountable those who were responsible, not just for the sake of Gretel but for others too, who died under the same system.

Gretel was 24 years of age, beautiful, intelligent and talented, with everything to live for. She died hanging, after voluntary admission to a Perth psychiatric hospital, from a bed curtain rail after a journey of tragic decline.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Book Review: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh

Sea of Poppies paints a poignant picture of the human devastation caused by imperialism. The fertile farms of the Gangetic plain are blooming only with poppies - beautiful, deadly, denying the peasants the crops to sustain them.

More on: Book Review: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh

Friday, April 10, 2009

Surjit Singh Barnala?s book released

Recently Haryana governor, Dr AR Kidwai released the Urdu edition of a book written by Tamilnadu governor, Surjit Singh Barnala. The book was based on the lives of two girls - one, who hailed from US and the other from J&K.

More on: Surjit Singh Barnala?s book released

Book review : 'Identity and Violence' by Amartya Sen

Amartya Sen?s book, 'Identity and Violence' examines the unfortunate connection between violence and our tendency to identify with one key trait ? our ethnicity or religion, for example ? to the exclusion of all others.

More on: Book review : 'Identity and Violence' by Amartya Sen

Book Review: I Too Had A Love Story

A celebrated maxim says that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Ravinder Singh's 'I Too Had A Love Story' proves the maxim true and beautifully depicts the beauty and power of true love..

More on: Book Review: I Too Had A Love Story

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Indus to organise Collector's Book Festival

Mumbai?s exclusive hangout for book lovers, Indus book store has announced a unique exhibition and sale of special limited edition and collector's books from across the world. The special discount sale and display will be from April 3 to 15, 2009. .

More on: Indus to organise Collector's Book Festival

Now own the Moon or at least a small part of it

To commemorate 40 years of man's first steps on the moon, international art book publishers Taschen have come out with a special limited edition of journalist Norman Mailer's book 'MoonFire' with a small piece of original Moon Rock .

More on: Now own the Moon or at least a small part of it

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rural publisher in Limca Book of Records

Mohapatra, a Orissa based poor publisher, has got his name written in Limca Book of records for publishing a children's magazine in 64 different languages, including Hindi, English, Telgu, Assemese, Dogari, Manipuri and even Magahai and Ho.

More on: Rural publisher in Limca Book of Records