Friday, September 19, 2008

'Welcome to Sajjanpur', stay away from 'Hulla'

Of the movies released this Friday, Welcome to Sajjanpur is your ticket to entertainment, which has lots of rustic fun and A-rated performances by all caste, including Shreyas. However, sapless release Hulla doesn't rise to that tempo!. more on 'Welcome to Sajjanpur', stay away from 'Hulla'

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ru-Ba-Ru – Cry Boo Hoo!

Tahaan, A Wednesday, Rock On – I was actually surprised, how come suddenly Indian cinema is churning out watchable (and not classic) fare week after week? Does this Friday's release Ru-Ba-Ru fit in with these watchable films? Read on..... more on Ru-Ba-Ru – Cry Boo Hoo!

'Shadow lines': Should be shadowed these days

Partition should be considered as cultural intermixing, all cultures should be respected irrespective of the country it belongs to. People instead of feeling deprived from their place, should rather generate a sense of their belonging to two places. more on 'Shadow lines': Should be shadowed these days

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Last Lear

The Last Lear is a story of 65-year-old “young man” named Harry, who is living his life with his wife Vandana in the cubbyholes of Kolkata, oblivious and invisible to the world. No one remains the same after they have met Harry, no one can hate him.. more on The Last Lear

Monday, September 8, 2008

Srinivasan's 'The Jamdani Revolution'

Srinivasan titled his diary entries during the period 1989-1992 The Jamdani Revolution because, it was only the second such turning point in the whole of Asia after the upsurge, which overthrew Marcos in the Philippines in 1986.. more on Srinivasan's 'The Jamdani Revolution'

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What promoted citizen journalism?

Press is comprised of monopolised islands. Either it is in private hands or under government control. People get no space in newspapers even if they have valid reasons to be heard. Even letters to the editor do not find a place in newspapers. more on What promoted citizen journalism?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tahaan: Worth a watch

There have been many films on militancy in, what was once the paradise on earth – Kashmir. Some have been good, others bad and yet some more that have been relegated to the film archives of yore. Does Tahaan break any new grounds? Read on.. more on Tahaan: Worth a watch

Media kills journalism for TRP burger

Laxity of Indian judiciary to try news channels for using excessive sensationalism to lure viewers has made them go unabatedly cynical. Alarming, certain channels can't imagine their survival without adding horror and gossip in reportage. more on Media kills journalism for TRP burger